Show Jumping at Rockingham International Horse Trials (21st May 23)
Tue, 25 Apr
Do you fancy being part of a combined Show Jumping team to compete at Rockingham International Horse Trials. We need competitors for the 70cm /80cm /90cm and the 100cm The entries will be approx £30 per individual. Please register you interest by the 25th April at the latest

Time & Location
25 Apr 2023, 12:00
Rockingham, Rockingham Castle Estate, Rockingham, Market Harborough LE16 8TH, UK
About the Event
This is a team competition for British Riding Club Members only. The competition will run under British Riding Club Show Jumping Rules 2023.
Teams can consist of three or four members with up to two junior members per team. One rider per class.
Each class will be single phase over a course of show jumps. The second section of the course will be timed and will be 5cms higher than the class height (i.e.: 75cm, 85cm, 95cm and 105cm max.) except the Joker fence, which will be 10cm above the class height (i.e.: 80cm, 90cm, 1m & 1.10m).
Please register which height/heights you are comfortable to jump. The cost per individual is £30.
It would be lovely for us to get a team together.